User:      03/03/25  03:11:31 
Serviced by iS&L 
Big River Steel is looking forward to building relationship with you
Become a Carrier
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Carrier Data
          Carrier SCAC *                MC# *               Carrier Name *            
          Address line 1 *              Address line 2    
          City *                     State *    Zip Code*       Country   

General Information
          1. Asset Carrier or Brokerage? *   
          2. How many tractors does the company operate? (only for an asset carrier) *    Tractors           N/A
          3. Trailer type and number of trailers (only for an asset carrier) *   
                            Flat Beds          Aluminum Dumps with Coil Pack             Step Deck             Steel Dumps with Coil Pack          
                            Side Kits          Conestogas                                                         Other:            
         4. Can you haul overweight loads? (only for an asset carrier) *    Yes  No
                If yes, how heavy? *     (LBS)        
         5. Does your company have a brokerage division? (only for an asset carrier) *    Yes  No
                Does you plan on using your brokerage division to handle BRS freight? *     Yes  No
         6. States with authority*   
         7. How much weekly volume can your company provide for BRS? *   
         .     Trucks/Week      Spot volume only 
         8. Describe your vetting process for signing on carriers:(only for a brokerage)*   
         9. Minority Owned?:    Yes  No

                   Name:*           Title: *   
                   Phone: *    Email: *   
Please enter Carrier Code